Humans of NCSY, Isaac Weiss

Posted on November 19, 2017

Isaac weiss, shaker high school 10th Grade, executive board and shaker president. Cleveland Chapter

“What did you do this past summer?”

“This past summer I went on TJJ. It was my second NCSY event, I went on a juniors shabbaton a couple years ago. 2 of my friends pressured me to go! But I also really wanted to go back to israel. This past summer on Tisha B’av we were at the kotel during this huge kumzits and in the last 25 minutes I passed out. it was wild. When I woke up a few seconds later there were paramedics everywhere and then I met this one paramedic and he told me that 24 years ago he had gone to Israel with NCSY and when he got home his parents asked him if he was happy to be home and he replied “I’m not home, I just left home”. I found my personal Jewish identity on TJJ and now I realize that if I want an amazing Jewish future it has to be with NCSY”